2023 NASPAA Simulation Competition

Coming Soon!

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NASPAA Simulation Competition Paused One Year

NASPAA’s five-year contract with the University of Virginia’s Batten School for the annual simulation competition ended following the 2021 competition. This will not be a permanent end to our annual competitions as NASPAA’s Executive Council approved a one year pause to establish new partnerships and collectively define and design the next iteration of the global student simulation. We will be excited to introduce NASPAA’s Simulation Competition 2.0 as early as 2023.

The new and enhanced simulation competition will allow us to more effectively meet NASPAA’s mission of ensuring excellence in education and training for public service, and promoting the ideal of public service. The new simulation competition will be revamped and reoriented to focus even more on the students, their professional development, their ability to communicate big ideas with other students from all over the world, their unique teaching and learning opportunities, and how they will take these new skills and experiences into their future roles as public service providers.

For more information about the competition, please contact Alex Minkoff at minkoff@naspaa.org or Stacy Drudy at drudy@naspaa.org.


CLICK HERE for the Inspiring Simulation Experience of the 2020 Participants at Central European University!

2021 Competition Information

Built using data from the Spanish Flu, the 2003 SARS outbreak, and now COVID-19, the Pandemic Simulation puts participants in leadership positions during a public health crisis.

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Simulation-Based Learning

Simulations are experiential learning tools that offer a bridge between classroom learning and real-world application.

Past Competitions
Central European University 2020
National Law School of India University Bangalore 2020
University at Albany 2020
George Mason University 2020